I'm a Visionary Engineer 💯

I know I was put on Earth to make a very big impact. That's what drives me.

I'm a Polymath 💯

I see things differently and do things with my own flair.

I'm a Human Being 💯

I care about other people, especially the poor and the least served in society.

People I find fascinating and inspiring. ✨

Often when I read books and watch movies, I write down interesting quotes that I find thought-provoking. Here are some of my favorites.

Personal Information If You're Curious.✨

- My Goal in Life Is To: Make a difference in the world and do big things that have high value for other people.

- My Work: University of Pennsylvania, Deloitte, PwC, Gartner

- My Education: Virginia Tech, University of Maryland

- My Voluteering: RESET Computer Science Instructor, Data Science Philadelphia Meetup Organizer

My Purpose Statement: "My work/education is what I do, but it's not who I am. I've realized as I've gotten older that the following fact is indeed so true: what truly brings a person lasting joy is doing things that have a positive impact on other people. In life, joy is never really derived from superficial or material things. If an individual looks back on his or her life, it's so evident that life is all about the journey and not the destination. 1) It's about looking out for the least served in society. 2) It's about using your resources and talents to help others. 3) It's about staying present and happy with what you have right now, not making comparisons with other peoples' bank accounts, possessions, talents, and achievements. 4) It's about being your own unique self and not being afraid to be your whole self. 5) It's about always standing on the side of first principles and the truth. 6) It's about standing up to evil and injustice in the world. I hope I never lose this perspective. No matter what happens in my life, I will never lose hope. I'll always fight hard and always keep grinding." - Y